Type: Letter
Author: Thomas
Date: USPS stamped date: Sep 27 1991
Artwork included: stickers, mail art documentation, mail art call for work, xerox, rubber stamps
September 27, 1991
Dear Jason,
I’m a bit sleepy tonight (I can imagine how tired you are) I had a hell of a time sleeping last night. I felt so good after talking to you. I still feel the glow inside.
Had a good day at work today. I have a few (3) BIG deadlines this week and I’m getting close to completing all three projects- but didn’t get too stressful today. Had good interactions with a researcher today who usually, I’d be pissed off at him for being an asshole. But I’m not acting angry or resentful and he isn’t being an asshole either.
I had planned to take the dog to the park and run and play this evening but it started to rain so we have been home all evening. I spent most of the evening on the phone with program people. Someone called me just to talk through their day and get current. Then I called someone who began abstinence period about when I did, just to say hi and see how she is and then someone I sponsor called me.
Enclosed is a couple of things. Color print is a copy photo from Polaroid original. Work is not titled. The other was the mail art documentation that I sent out after the “what love is” exhibition. Documentation usually contains name/ addresses of all participants. I also tried to put in a mix of Art I received. I’m going to bed now I’ll write more later this week- looking forward to your letter -will be dreaming about you
Note: Above where it says “Color Print” I wrote: “This will have to wait until later this week”