The “Love Letters” work is inspired by a year-long relationship I had decades ago with a artist living in New York City, in a time before cell phones and social media. Land-line long distance calls were expensive, and so to save our money for visits, we wrote each other constantly, and each of us saved all of the letters received.
After seeing a Jasper Johns exhibition, I began to explore what it might mean to use some of the imagery and text as source material for prints or other works of art. Though, if I’m honest, I had thought about doing that already. I had even made some transparencies, but never tried to print from them- the Johns exhibit simply encouraged me, that this idea was worth pursuing.
The original artwork here is a small sketch that is about 6″x 6″ I received as a birthday gift. The sketch was mounted to archival foam core, but somewhere over the past 25 years, ended up with a bend in it. I’ve made a number of screen prints with this as source, and this one is just the most recent, that I love enough to offer for sale.
The print is 16″ x 16″ on an off-white warm-tones paper. signed and numbered on the print, with two prints available.
As I look at this image, I’m drawn to a few things, but one is a fantasy of being in a car and driving by this billboard, where the bright light is a beacon on a cold, wintery night. This screen print contains mown marks on top of the source to bring that idea into a print.